Picture this: It’s a Monday morning, and as you step into your office, a wave of excitement fills the air.
The office buzzes with energy as students make an incredible impact on your business.
One student is diligently crafting captivating content for your next social media campaign, breathing life into your brand.
Another is immersed in assessing efficiencies in your production line, seeking innovative solutions to streamline operations.
Yet another has just returned from fieldwork, armed with valuable data and insights that can drive your business forward.
Where did you find all these incredible and eager team members?
Helping you connect with the next generation of talent
TalentED YYC is a new, all-in-one digital platform that easily connects employers with the brightest student talent from all seven post-secondary institutions in the city.
Work integrated learning experiences found on the TalentED YYC portal include internships, co-op placements, and practicums, and they enable employers to collaborate with students while providing them with practical work experience aligned with their fields of study.
By choosing to offer a work integrated learning opportunity, you know that your students will come equipped with direct knowledge and skills in a specific niche area and can start contributing to your business right away.
“In many ways, students are the trailblazers of the companies they work for as they inspire new visions and goals for their team, all within a single work term.”
-Megan Posyluzny, Psychology graduate from the University of Alberta
Your Personal Assistant for Finding Student Talent
Whether you need a specialist summer hire, extra help on a project, or simply want to streamline your hiring process, we have you covered as the platform provides comprehensive resources to seamlessly incorporate students into your organization.
From creating compelling job postings to helping you decide what type of work integrated learning experience to offer, TalentED YYC will streamline the engagement of top-tier student talent, for a great fit for your industry, culture, and goals.
Not only that, but we offer personalized and customized support to make sure that each employer has the best experience possible.
Find your student today!
So, if you’re ready to tap into the next generation of local talent and say goodbye to endless searching, welcome to TalentED YYC!
Visit www.talentedyyc.com today, follow us on LinkedIn, or request a call to connect with our dedicated team.