Did you know that studies consistently demonstrate that diverse teams are stronger? This can be attributed to differing perspectives, which lead to new ideas that result in strong and creative solutions. Knowing that your team could benefit from diversity, we wanted to share three of our favourite resources for neurodiverse hiring.

1. The Sinneave Family Foundation

The Sinneave Family Foundation is dedicated to supporting autistic youth, and adults to find their fit in the workplace. This accomplished by helping students find work-integrated learning opportunities, by helping employers to successfully host neurodiverse students, and by educating the public about autism. To learn more about how to think about autism, we encourage you to watch Sinneave’s video about autism.

The Sinneave Family Foundation also offers a variety of resources to support employers like you. One of their resources for neurodiverse hiring is the Quick Guide: NEUROinclusion and the Employee Lifecycle. This guide was developed by an autistic self-advocate, with extensive engagement from autistic employees, a range of employers, and multiple Canadian human resources professionals. In it, you will find strategies that support both student and employer success.

2. ACEWIL’s Inclusive Interview Guide

Though accessibility in the interview process is important all of the time, it is especially important when you are interviewing a neurodiverse candidate. Therefore, ACEWIL has created an inclusive interview guide to help. In order to ensure all candidates are assessed fairly, the interview guide discusses avoiding unconscious biases. This is demonstrated through interview tactics such as avoiding biased questions, using an assessment scoring system, and differentiating between a cultural-based fit and a values-based fit.

A great interview sets the tone for a great student placement, which makes this a notable neurodiverse hiring resource!

3. Insightful Training and Events

Did you know that there is training available to employers to learn how to support neurodiverse employees? TECHNATION and Accessibility Canada have collaborated on two employer courses: Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace and Accessible Hiring Practices in the Workplace. These training courses include lessons on educating your staff on neurodiversity, making accommodations, and creating inclusive interviews.

Additionally, on October 2, the University of Calgary is hosting Empowering Neurodiverse Talent: Insights for Employers. This event will teach you how to make the workplace neuro-inclusive through a conversation with Dr. TC Waisman. During the event, Dr. Waisman will discuss the value of neurodiverse talent, and how to best support these employees. Additionally, the UCalgary co-op offices will be at the event to connect you with students seeking placements. In order to gain these valuable employer insights, sign up here!

To access additional employer resources, connect with our team to get started!